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Traveling to Govind Ghat from Haridwar ( Night Halt at Joshimath suggested)
Govind Ghat-Ghangaria: Walking Time 7 hrs.> As this is a famous pilgrmage of Sikhs-you will see lot of people coming from different cultures and societies of India . Do not smoke, drink, expose and show emotions on religious places. Ghangria at 3050m is very calm and cozy little place.
Ghangria- Valley of Flowres: Walking Time 5-6 hrs.> There is camera fee and entry fee for this 10 km. long and 3-4 kms wide valley which hosts very rarely found flowers which had started a controvery of magical and mysterious powers of flowers and their scents leading to BAN on overnight camping in this region.
Start early and return back to Ghangria. Hem Kund -4329m is a glacial Lake sorrounded by six high peaks.
Ghanaria-Govind Ghat: Return Back through same route.
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