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Reaching Manikaran
Manikaran-Pulga: Walking Time 3-4 hrs.> Manikaran at 1700m is very popular religious place where people of all faiths comes to wish. Pulga 2100m is very famous among trekkers but mostly returns back.
Pulga-Kheer Ganga : Walking Time 4-5 hrs.> Trail gradually ascends to Kheer Ganga which is a scenic place and now supported by a " shelter" which is usually heavily crowded by foreigners. Kheer Ganga2850m is a open meadow.
Kheer Ganga-Bhojtunda: Walking Time 5 hrs.> Steay ascend to the gorge. Valley then widens and trail crosses several beautiful pasturs supporting many types of wildflowers.
Bhojtunda-Thakur Khan: Walkgint Time 4-5 hrs.> Crossing through rocks and dense vegitation.
Thakur Khan-Mantakal Lake : Walking Time 6-7 hrs.> You will be lucky if you could see any shepherd encampment. There is a natural bridge and is known as Pandu Bridge.Trail makes some ups and downs and then goes through flowered meadows.
Manatak Lake-High Camp: Walking Time 7 hrs.
High Camp-Pin Parbati Pass-Pin valley: Walking Time 5 hrs.> From high camp, steep 300m climb to a snoefield and then a small col is way to cross this legendary pass.Pin Parbati Pass 4810m is marked by cairns and prayer flags. Descending is gradual.
Pin valley-Mud: Walking Time 8hrs.> Gradual desceding towards valley floor to village Mud 3600m.
Mud-Sangam: Walking Time 4-5 hrs.> A gradual walk though Spiti valley which is a landscape of it's own type. Sangam is a road head and you can catch bus for manali or Shimla.
Traveling To Manali/ Shimla: Long mountain travel for 24 hrs.