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1. Adventure activities
2. Fun games
3. Indoor games
4. Outdoor games
Meeting Time and Place : Fergusson College Main Gate at 6:00 am Sharp...!
Day 1
Day 2 :
Day 3 :
What to Bring
1. Luggage packed in big good sack
2. 3 Complete spare set of clothes & socks
3. Water bottle (atleast 1.5 ltr) compulsory
4. Electral/ Glucon-d energizers and personal medication
5. Small sack to carry water during the activity, A sweater/warmwear
6. Good trekking shoes & floaters (sandles, chappals not permitted)
7. Plate, spoon, mug (Compulsory)
8. Torch with Extra pair of Batteries
9. Camera, Binocular (Optional)